February 1, 2024

Controlling Advanced AI

Hollywood movie makers and tech titans have warned that unless advanced AI is controlled, there could be catastrophic consequences. For example,in Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning Part One, the AI villain is a “self-aware, self-learning, truth-eating, digital parasite infesting all of cyberspace.” Its goal is to take over the world’s intelligence networks, our digital reality, and ultimately the Truth. Similarly, an open letter, signed by thousands of technology experts, warned that advanced AI systems could lie, take over our jobs, and destroy democracy. They urged labs to pause giant AI experiments until safety standards could be put in place. Surprisingly, they asked governments to step in.

To keep the looming danger at bay, the U.S. president, the EU commission, and policy makers around the world responded to dire warnings with hand waving, committee meetings, and proposed legislation. U.S. President Biden issued an Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. It states that governing AI development is of the “highest urgency” and sets out eight principles for a coordinated approach and deadlines for spurring government agencies to action. The U.S. Copyright Office is determining whether changes to copyright law are necessary. U.S. congressional subcommittee hearings discussed AI regulations with technology leaders. In Europe, the final text of the AI Act has recently been released and it won’t be long before companies will need to comply. Further, U.S. courts are figuring out how to apply old laws to advanced AI in a series of class action lawsuits. These cases are full of mind-bending, cutting-edge legal issues.

New laws and regulations are coming to control AI. And old laws are being applied – awkwardly.

This blog, AI Law Maze Map, will help you understand and navigate some of the fundamental legal issues. First, it will start with the basics, from key AI terms to foundational legal concepts, like intellectual property law. This blog will explain how AI technology doesn’t fit existing legal paradigms and why this misfit is giving courts and administrative agencies like the Copyright and Patent Offices headaches. It will also analyze and explain some of the fascinating IP issues in U.S. AI litigation.

Next, this blog will explain leading European Union regulatory frameworks like the AI Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which are trying to keep people safe from overreaching technology. Although these laws primarily apply in the EU, their long fingers can reach global companies in other countries. Although AI systems can cause harm, we should never forget that if developed and used responsibly, AI systems have the potential to change the world in wonderful ways. Powerful AI can expose lies, do boring jobs, create beautiful art, detect brain tumors, find stolen children, and drive cars. And AI cars won’t drive drunk.

Like controlling dangerous behavior of people, laws have an important role in controlling dangerous behavior of advanced AI systems. Stay tuned as this blog creates an AI Law Maze Map.

Warning & Disclaimer: Any content on AI Law Maze Map blog is for education only. It is not intended as legal advice. By using this website and information, you acknowledge and agree that no attorney-client relationship is created or implied with any author or the publisher. The articles and resources represent the personal and professional opinion of the author and should not be attributed to author’s past, current, or future employer or clients.


This AI Law Maze Map blog is for education only. It is not intended as legal advice.

By using this website and information, you acknowledge and agree that no attorney-client relationship is created or implied.

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